SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN TOBOBON Peti Surat A - 171 , 88857 Inanam , Kota Kinabalu , Sabah. Tel : 088 - 491708 (off ) Tel : 088 - 493784 (fax)

Why Is English Important?
ADVISOR1 : En. AlHazmi Abddullah
ADVISOR 2 : Pn. Siti Amnah bt. Haji Omar
CHAIR PERSON : Pn. Zaiton bt. Hj. Awang
V. CHAIR PERSON : Pn. Jessica Kew
SECRETARY : Pn. Emily Madusin
TREASURER : En. Marinus @ Martin Giau
* Year 1 - Pn. Jessica Kew
* Year 2 - Pn. Syarifah Wanty Jaibin
* Year 3 - Pn. Roselyn Olaybal
* Year 4 - Pn. Nur Misya Jan Abdullah
* Year 5 - En. Marinus @ Martin Giau
* Year 6 - Pn. Irdaningsih Ramle
~ Pn. Zaiton Hj Awang
~ Pn. Nur Misya Jan Abdullah
~ En. Marinus @ Martin Giau
~ Pn. Irdaningsih Ramle /
~ Pn. Kala a/p Vyapury Muniandy
~ Pn. Kew Yen Phin
~ Pn. Salbiah
~ Pn. Syarifah Wanty
~ Pn. Roselyn OLaybal
~ Pn. Mazlina Jaid
~ Pn. Helena A. Bansing
It is one of the departments in the School Curriculum Committee which comprises the English Language teachers of the morning and afternoon.
~ attempt to achieve 80 % of English passes in the UPSR for the coming years
~ reduce the number of pupils who are unable to master the three main skills in language learning (speaking, reading and writing) by the end of Year 6
~ working with full commitment, equipped with specific skills and requisite knowledge base, to ensure effective teaching and learning process as well as pupils’ language mastery
Panel’s Role
1. Improve and upgrade the quality and effectiveness of language teaching and learning.
2. Run meetings/discussions (informal/formal) to identify and solve problems pertaining to teaching and learning, also to discuss the current curriculum implementation.
3. Review analysis on pupils’ performance in English Language monthly tests, semester exams and also UPSR based on the school target.
4. Develop teaching strategies and approaches to cultivate pupils’ learning interest and language proficiency.
5. Generate positive values such as cooperation, teamwork spirit among the members in the panel as well as other panel members.
6. Exchange new ideas, knowledge and language expertise gained from recent courses/seminars/workshops attended by panel member(s).
7. Suggest, plan and ensure successful implementation of the English activities throughout the year.
It is one of the departments in the School Curriculum Committee which comprises the English Language teachers of the morning and afternoon.
~ attempt to achieve 80 % of English passes in the UPSR for the coming years
~ reduce the number of pupils who are unable to master the three main skills in language learning (speaking, reading and writing) by the end of Year 6
~ working with full commitment, equipped with specific skills and requisite knowledge base, to ensure effective teaching and learning process as well as pupils’ language mastery
Panel’s Role
1. Improve and upgrade the quality and effectiveness of language teaching and learning.
2. Run meetings/discussions (informal/formal) to identify and solve problems pertaining to teaching and learning, also to discuss the current curriculum implementation.
3. Review analysis on pupils’ performance in English Language monthly tests, semester exams and also UPSR based on the school target.
4. Develop teaching strategies and approaches to cultivate pupils’ learning interest and language proficiency.
5. Generate positive values such as cooperation, teamwork spirit among the members in the panel as well as other panel members.
6. Exchange new ideas, knowledge and language expertise gained from recent courses/seminars/workshops attended by panel member(s).
7. Suggest, plan and ensure successful implementation of the English activities throughout the year.
Get 2 know US....)
When we meet a person or come across new ideas,
many things come up to our mind.
We may not like how a person looks or his ideas.
It's only when we get to know each other better,
friendship is developed.
Ideas may be accepted or at least understood.
So, get to know us.
SK Tobobon as the name is.
Communicate and make friends,
And you’ll learn to love the school and the ideas..
if not the teachers!..;~)
many things come up to our mind.
We may not like how a person looks or his ideas.
It's only when we get to know each other better,
friendship is developed.
Ideas may be accepted or at least understood.
So, get to know us.
SK Tobobon as the name is.
Communicate and make friends,
And you’ll learn to love the school and the ideas..
if not the teachers!..;~)
English Week 2012
A lion was running behind a small rabbit trying to catch it. The lion tried his best but still failed. He stopped & said, "I am the king of the jungle with 4 strong legs & good physic, still I couldn't catch you. Why?" Rabbit replied, "You were running for your lunch & I was running for my life..this is for your life.. you will succeed always!"..;~))
The Story of the Butterfly

One day a small opening appeared.
He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours
as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.
Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly.
He took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.
The butterfly emerged easily but
it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch it,
expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge
and expand enough to support the body,
Neither happened!
In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life
crawling around.
It was never able to fly.
What the man in his kindness
and haste did not understand:
The restricting cocoon and the struggle
required by the butterfly to get through the opening
was a way of forcing the fluid from the body
into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.
Sometimes struggles are exactly
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
Useful Study Motivation Tips
1. Be Curious – get interested in the subject you’re studying
When you’re interested in the subject you’re studying, things become so much easier. You’ll be naturally motivated to learn and read about it. So how do we become interested in what we’re studying? We adopt a curious attitude. As long as you’re curious enough, anything can be interesting.
Question it, use your imagination, get inside the subject, understand what makes it tick, find out how you can apply it in life, read real life case studies. There are many ways to make a subject interesting when you adopt a curious mindset.
2. Set a schedule and study at the right time
Set a study schedule everyday. It’s good to plan your day in advance. Set a specific time for studying, and a time for playing or relaxing. This way, you won’t worry about ‘missing’ your fun. You may be studying hard now, but you know that later on you’ll be enjoying yourself. So this keeps you focused on studying in the present.
Here’s a tip : When planning your day, it’s always good to study first. If you think you should watch some TV or relax a little first before ‘getting down to it’, you’re making a big mistake. Doing that will only make it harder for you to start studying. The first step is always the hardest.
Also when setting study schedules, schedule your studying time at the time of the day where there will be the least distractions. Also choose the time when you’re at your peak state to study. This means obviously not studying after heavy meals (where digestion will make you sleepy) and times where you’ll be tired (ie. late nights)
3. Get started – 5 minute challenge
The hardest part of doing anything is getting started. The first step is always the toughest. After you got that out of the way, it’s all downhill. This is because once you’ve got momentum; it’s easy to keep it going. So it’s vital that you get yourself going in the first place.
study motivation This study motivation tip can help you get started. This is what you can do, whenever you’re not motivated to start studying, just plan to study for 5 minutes. That’s it, just 5 minutes. Tell yourself that you’ll be studying seriously for 5 minutes then you’ll stop.
Usually, what happens is after the 5 minutes are up, you would have been well into the swing of things that you’ll want to continue studying longer. Yeah that’s right. It’s quite a cool way to ‘trick’ ourselves. The key here is to make sure that for those 5 minutes you are really studying 100%. Not dreaming or getting distracted by other stuff.
4. Stop/start at the fun part
When having to stop for breaks, meals or other activities, plan to stop when you’re at a fun part of the subject. The parts that are more interesting and enjoyable to you. This way, when you continue to study later, it’ll be much easier to get started because you’ll be starting at the fun parts.
5. Remove distractions from your surroundings
Obviously this is very important for your study motivation. When you got the TV, phone, computer, bed, magazines etc nearby, you’ll be easily tempted to throw your books aside. Try to remove as many distractions away from you as possible.
You don’t need strand yourself on an island with only your books. Just make sure that any of these distractions are not near you.
When the remote is right next to you, you’re more likely to pick it up. Same with your phone, laptop etc. But if you have to walk all the way across to another part of the house to watch TV chances are you’ll be less likely to do it.
6. Set a study area – make it as conducive as possible
Study motivation The environment can play a big part in your study motivation. Imagine studying in a dimly lit, hot and stuffy room with loud music on playing in the corner. Or, in a quiet room, bright, with the right temperature and good air ventilation. Which room would make you feel more motivated to study?
If possible, have a regular study area. Make sure it’s conducive like being well lit, has ventilation, quiet and so on. Place all your notebooks, stationary, reference books in your study area. Make your study area as conducive to studying as possible.
7. Put yourself in a strong motivated state
Take 5 minutes before you start studying to put yourself into the proper state. Turn off any music, sit down, clear your mind and take deep breaths. Say a prayer or do some visualizations and light meditation. Visualize yourself happily studying and clearly understanding what you have learned.
Other methods include pumping yourself up by saying encouraging words and making a fist, and also by using NLP techniques such as anchoring and submodalities.
8. Set Goals
Setting goals will give you more motivation. When there’s a target to aim at, we’ll be more determined rise up to the challenge and push ourselves to achieve it. The sense of satisfaction from the achievement is also a good confidence booster. And it will cultivate a studying habit.
Set goals such as how many sections/chapters you plan to cover within a period of time, grades to score in tests and others.
9. Reward yourself
Study motivation Finally remember to reward yourself for the job well done. If you’ve stuck to your schedule, didn’t let yourself get distracted and successfully achieved the goals you set out, you deserve a reward for that.
Reward yourself immediately. It doesn’t even need to be anything major, just simple things like enjoying an ice-cream sundae, watching your favorite TV show or calling friends up to chat. Of course, also give yourself big rewards whenever you have major achievements.
Final thoughts…
Remember, the toughest part in studying is to get started. As long as you are determined and push yourself to pick up the book, half the battle is already won. With willpower, determination and using the study motivation tips above, getting study motivation shouldn’t be a problem anymore!
Commonly Misspelled English Words - advice vs advise
Advice --> noun
It means an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation.
For example: "I need someone to give me some advice."
Advise --> verb
It means to give information and suggest types of action.
For example: "I advise everybody to be nice to their teacher."
Note - In British English the noun form often ends in and the verb in ...ise.
Commonly Misused English Words- Every day vs everyday
One of my pupils wrote this sentence during the English class. Ali goes to school everyday. I asked him "What do you mean by that sentence?". He answered me, "Ali pergi ke sekolah setiap hari". It is commonly seen among our children's writing that they will write setiap hari as everyday. However, we must note that setiap hari is not everyday but every day. Here is the difference.
--->Every day (every is a determiner and day is a noun) is a time expression meaning "each day" or "regularly."
---> Everyday is an adjective meaning commonplace, ordinary, or normal.
1. Jane goes to class every day (each day)
2. These shoes are great for everyday wear. (ordinary)
Common Errors
The most common error is writing "every day" as one word (everyday) as in the following sentences:
1. I used to jog three miles everyday (Incorrect)
2. I used to jog three miles every day. (Correct)
Let us not seek perfection,
Because we are not perfect.
Let us not judge,
Because we are not gods.
Let us not dictate
Because we are not tyrants.
We are Human…
We Learn…
We Fall…
We Fail…
We Get Up…
We Reach Out…
We Help…
We Live…
We Conquer…
We Let Go… but…
We Never GIVE UP.
- Joey Junior Bones
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